Eighth Grade

Eighth Grade's Fundraiser

Preparing Tomorrow's Leaders, One Student at a Time image
1 Day Left

Preparing Tomorrow's Leaders, One Student at a Time

Your contribution will help us further continue our message of hope through Christian discipleship and transformative academics.


$1,932 towards $2,500

Thank you for visiting the Race for Education page of the Graduating Class of 2024.

As their teacher, it has brought me joy to spend each day imparting knowledge, while at the same time, gaining knowledge from this unique community of young men and women. Our learning community has remained committed to loving one another, supporting one another, and strengthening one another. By the grace of God, they strive to incarnate the command of Christ to ". . .love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another." (Jn. 13:34, ESV)

As their time at LOGAN Hope draws near, we are excited about the new beginnings that are ahead. It is the hope of our class to leave a legacy that will both impact and inspire every class that follows.

Will you help us as we prepare our children for an amazing future?