5th Grade's Fundraiser
Using our voices to make a difference
Join us as we learn to use our voices to share our story and God's story
The Power in A Voice
Students today live in a society that exposes them to an endless amount of voices and gives them a multitude of ways to use their own voice. These aspects provide unique opportunities to be used for good or bad. For that reason, in 5th grade we are learning how to use our voice, value the voice of others, and most importantly, listen to the voice of God.
Our poetry unit sought to educate students on how to express themselves and their emotions in a healthy manner. When students learn to express emotions and use their voice through healthy manners, such as art forms, it decreases the likelihood of them expressing them in negative ways.
Writing autobiographies has pushed students to learn how to talk about themselves in a positive way, and identify what they value in their own lives.
Group work encourages students to listen to the voice and ideas of others, even when they disagree.
Even small aspects of our class, such as our daily five second question, gives students the opportunity to share their thoughts, and listen to the thoughts of their classmates.
Ultimately, the most important voice to listen to is God's. Reading the Bible can be confusing and hard to understand, making it challenging for students to identify God's voice. In Bible class, we are learning how to inductively study the Bible in order to increase understanding and help students learn to hear God's voice for themselves.
Please consider making a donation to contribute to the further development of the youth in our school! (: