First Grade

First Grade's Fundraiser

Seeking and Discovering God's Creation image

Seeking and Discovering God's Creation

Helping students engage with and celebrate the beauty of God's creation


$2,153 towards $2,500

My deep hope is that we seek, discover and celebrate the beauty of God through his creation.


Logan Hope’s first grade class is such a special class because these kids gain so much joy from seeking knowledge. This is life-changing for children to have, especially at such a young age — because if you love seeking and discovering the beauty of God's creation, if you get excited about how great math or English or whatever subject can be, school will be fun for you. It's such a blessing to see these kids enjoy learning.


This year, the kids have become so excited about all the things they’ve been discovering. One thing they’ve discovered is that they’re all creative in their own way, and that God made them to be creative. As they are discovering their identity in Christ, it is an honor for me to watch them grow. They are not in a box – they’re engaged outside of it. They’re discovering that there is usually more than one way to do something, more than one way to learn or grow or explain a concept. I love seeing how excited the kids get each time they discover a new facet of God’s creation and how it fits into the greater whole.


On top of their love for learning, these kids are so kind. They celebrate each other's successes with so much joy, and are always there for each other when they struggle. It's an honor to get to teach these kids about God's love and then see them exhibit that love — not only to each other, but also to the Logan area. This past Christmas, we went caroling around the neighborhood and made goodie bags. Students got to put what they had learned to action and see what it means to love our neighbor and be a light to our community. They saw how just one gesture can go a long way. They saw smiles on the faces of their neighbors, and were able to bring joy during hard times. They got to celebrate each other and the neighborhood, and rejoice in who God created them to be.

Help support us so that we can learn to not only grow in our classroom, but also reach out to the community around us for Christ. We are created on purpose for the Kingdom of God.