Student & Family Support

Student & Family Support's Fundraiser

Strengthen our Student & Family Supports image

Strengthen our Student & Family Supports

Invest in long term student and family care


$1,833 towards $2,500

Children thrive when they have safe, consistent, and caring community support in their lives.

We see that our students do best when they are given opportunities to solve problems together and learn from one another. With our student support team, we’ve been able to see our students grow in patience and care for each other through relational challenges.

Students arguing over the proper way to plant flowers at the neighborhood library.

48% of our students are receiving academic, counseling, or relational support within the school day. It is our hope that with additional financial support, we will be able to meet the growing needs of more students and their families in the following ways:

-Teacher’s Aids: We are incredibly thankful for Ms. Theresa, our new Kindergarten classroom aid! Our kindergarteners are a busy group of friends, and have been learning how to grow in patience with themselves and one another in some really challenging ways. We are incredibly thankful for the love and care that Mrs. Chan and Ms. Theresa are giving to each of their students.

Recess yard snail wranglers.

-ESL + Tutoring: With growing numbers of diaspora families resettling in the Northeast section of Philadelphia, there will be an increased need for more consistent ESL supports city wide. Several or students are currently growing their language and reading skills through one-on-one focused work during the day. Mr. Drew recently joined our support team and has brought stability, enthusiasm, and joy to learning a new language and adjusting to an unfamiliar culture

Piano lessons with Mr. Pierce

-Speech + Occupational Therapy: With our recent class of incoming Kindergarteners, we are noticing a greater need for communication skills development as our children are learning to navigate a post pandemic world.

-General & Biblical Counseling: 15 students are receiving regular counseling support during their school day. We have a growing waitlist for students in need of a caring adult who is also trained to walk with them through some of the most challenging parts if their stories. Mr. Board, Ms. Eleanor, and Ms. Kelsey have been working together to meet with students to process relational and personal struggles thoughtfully.

Thanks for leading small group bible studies Mr. Board!

Through the challenges of gaining consistency and support for our school families, we have seen the Faithfulness of God through the extension of caring adults who truly delight in each of our students. In all of the small and large ways that you have invested in Logan Hope in the past, we are so thankful for you!

Thanks for loving us Ms. Liu! Ms. Scoffone, thanks for showing us how to embrace our silly! Thanks form making school a home to come back to Mrs. Arthur!

Thanks for showing us how to love another Mrs. Jen! Ms. Kelsey is thankful to celebrate student creativity!

Join me in strengthening long-term care through additional student and family support resources. Help us to invest thoughtfully in the families of Logan Hope.