Sixth Grade Grade

Sixth Grade Grade's Fundraiser

We can provide a transformational education for the students in Logan image

We can provide a transformational education for the students in Logan

Join me and help make a difference, please give today.


$2,125 towards $2,500

Join me and help make a difference, please give today.

Last year was my first year teaching at LOGAN Hope. My my hope this year is the same as it was last year: to see the middle schoolers grow in their knowledge of God and His word by studying His works in our studies. I am also passionate about seeing Christ developed in our 6th-8th grade boys so that they can grow as disciples of Christ. Will you join me in raising money for Field Trips for the 6th-8th grade boys club?

6th Grade has made it our goal to raise $2,500 to go towards Biblical Teaching Materials. LOGAN Hope School makes discipleship for the students a priority. Not only do we focus on the educational approach, but we want our students to be well rounded individuals. Leading from a Christ-Centered approach to the world around them with open hearts and open minds.

Putting Bibles, Christian Media, and strong curriculum in front of our children makes an impact for the future.

With so much media and negative distraction from the culture, it is a priority to intervene during school hours with positive and uplifting Truth.

Just a small donation will go a long way to helping me meet my goal for Logan Hope!